Thank you for purchasing from our store.
1. Mad Sick will always aim to ship any stocked product within a maximum of 10 working days of your purchase. Delivery then may take up to 5 working days (UK). International orders can expect longer shipping times.
2. If your order has not been delivered within 15 working days, please get in touch via the Contact Form on our Contact Us page and we will inform you of the status of your order.
3. Please be patient, as sometimes we have delays from our suppliers, delivery services and/or our store processing. During busy seasonal periods for example Christmas, please allow for longer delivery times.
4. Mad Sick accepts no responsibility for shipping delays caused by industrial action, and/or any circumstances that are out of our control.
5. Please expect longer shipping times for any 'Pre-Order' Items. These items are not manufactured until the pre-order deadline has finished. Once we have made the order from our supplier, they must be go through our quality control procedure and then processed and packaged, before shipping. This process can vary from item to item.
For our Return/ Refunds Policy please click here